No ballet, tap or tumbling this week due to pictures
Thursday, May 10
Earth Rehearsal after your pictures in the small room.
Iris Rehearsal in small room 8:00 pm
Saturday, May 12
Studio A
8:00 am - 9:00 am Hot Notes
9:00 am - 10:00 am ALL Solos, Duets and Trios
10:00 am - 11:00 ThunderBoltz, BombShells and SpitFires
State of Shock, The Jungle, Going Postal, Queen of Hearts and Aye Caramba
11:00 - 1:00 pm Grease - Everyone
1:00 - 1:30 All Pirates
1:30 - 2:30 B52s - By Your Side, Rumors and Iris
2:30 - 4:30 Phantoms - River Deep and Finish Foot Prints
Studio B
Tap 9:00 - 10: 00
sure of a ballet schedule yet. Our original schedule may have to be
changed. Check back later this week for a revision. Thanks