Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Billing Systems

We are in the process of implementing a new billing system over the next few days. This new system will create monthly tuition invoices for us automatically and will save us alot of computer time. It will also email invoices to our customers. So, do not be alarmed if you receive an invoice/statement via email. We are also hoping to add the ability for you to pay your bill on-line very soon.

One note: We had to go back to the middle of August and rebuild our data, so we added the costumes (entire balance) as a line item on each statement. Some of the statements will have the first $100 deposit if it was invoiced or paid before August 10 - 14. The $100 already billedwill be subtracted from your total costumes billed on the new invoice. If your costume deposit was not billed until after August 15, you will see one invoice for the total costume balance.

For example:
Lola - $200 total
Proud Mary - $200 total
If you already had a $100 deposit billed, you will see the $100 deposit billed and probably paid by the majority of you and then you will see a new invoice for $300. Which totals the $400 costume total. All payments will be entered to offset any deposits that you have already made. Please feel free to ask any questions. We just went ahead and billed total costume balances since they will be due sooner than later and this gives you a chance to be prepared.

Thanks so much!